Levofloxacin:Uses,Dosage,Side-effects and more
Levofloxacin is used to treat certain infections such as pneumonia, and kidney, prostate, and skin infections. Levofloxacin is used only used for bacterial infections that cannot be treated with safer…
Best Knowledge to Medicines
Levofloxacin is used to treat certain infections such as pneumonia, and kidney, prostate, and skin infections. Levofloxacin is used only used for bacterial infections that cannot be treated with safer…
लेवोफ्लोक्सासिन का उपयोग जीवाण्विक संक्रमण में किया जाता है इसका उपयोग त्वचा, नरम ऊतकों, मूत्र मार्ग, टॉन्सिल, साइनस, नाक, गला, श्वासनली, फेफड़ों (निमोनिया) और महिलाओं के जननांगो में होने वाले…